Informations for the experts

You are a member of CECOA, this information page is intended for you.

The new Chamber website gives you a page presenting your activity, accessible by Internet users from the Directory of Experts or through the search engine.

Your page

This page is the one that visitors to the site will consult to get to know you better.

We are at your disposal to modify the elements of this page if they prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. To do this, you can contact us by email at a webmaster at cecoa.com.

The items to be checked or completed are as follows :

Your contact details

Name, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, possibly email address and website address.


A paragraph presenting your activity: a few lines of text.

The presentation paragraph is intended to be present in a fixed way, while remaining modifiable at your request.


Your specialties

Areas of expertise, period etc …


A news text of one or two lines maximum.

The news text of 1 or 2 lines is intended to present an event or to make an announcement.